Funny enough I could only find a few positive blogs about Jakarta when I was preparing for my trip. Most people seem to escape the city as soon as they set foot in the capitol. It would be too crowded, noisy and very dirty. Moreover, it had too little to offer. Boy, how nothing turned […]
How Havana stole my heart

Havana is overwhelming, lively, complex, mysterious, colorful, vibrant and the list goes on. I haven’t been to any other city as interesting or unique as this one. From the moment you leave the airport – which is an experience in itself – you will be enchanted by its charismatic appearance, its passionate personality and its […]
My 5 favorite spots in Rotterdam

The best thing about traveling is coming home. Cliche, but true! Not just because you long for your own bed and shower (which is basicly the best thing after traveling) but mainly because you start seeing ‘home’ with a different perspective. Because even though the Swan Bridge is as powerfull as ever and people still […]